Internet Marketing Outsourcing Increases Online Sales


If one looks at online sales, he may miss the big picture on the Internet. Forrester Research suggests that online sales will grow from seven percent to nine percent by 2016. That may not seem like a big deal, until one considers that every other retail dollar will be influenced by a web presence. Marketers who wish to position their clients for growth should consider outsourcing. By becoming a web design reseller and an SEO reseller, marketers can position their businesses to soar.

The first task that businesses should consider is to become a web design reseller. A web design reseller outsources design of very large websites, and then can resell web design to his client. A web design reseller can take advantage of superior expertise in graphic design, writing copy, and creating a navigable website. In doing so, a web design reseller can save himself some time and money.

More technical than a web design reseller si to work as an SEO reseller. Americans spend 16 billion USD on search engine marketing every year, and that number is growing fast. Marketers realize that 80 percent of searchers never click on sponsored links, while a full 79 percent always go for natural links. In fact, online retailers and service providers claim that 39 percent of their sales come from SEO.

SEO reseller programs are similar to web design reseller programs iin that they concentrate expertise and technology. Using the most sophisticated technology, these reseller programs design, track and implement SEO. As with web design reseller programs, SEO reseller programs can maintain a high degree of confidentiality.

SEO reseller programs and web design reseller programs position clients for better sales. By offering a full Internet marketing suite, these programs are able to advance online sales. Ultimately, that helps the business of the marketer, and allows him to add value to his client.

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